What are your goals?

Whether your an athlete training for your next competition, or your a grandma wanting to pick up your grandchild, we all need goals in order to know where to go.  A goal is defined as a desired result that a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve.  We need to keep this in mind when talking with athletes or laying out a plan or care for a patient, as goals are personal and different for each person.   

We can agree that no one wants to be in pain.  If we dig a little deeper we'll understand why they are in pain and set reasonable goals for them.  These goals come from the patient/athlete and depends on what the patient is wanting with their health.  If your goal is to compete in the CrossFit games, the pathway to your goal will be different than the person who is just trying to stay healthy, fit, strong and pain free for the rest of their life.  If you're training to compete in the sport of CrossFit, you need to be proficient at all the movements required by CrossFit in order to perform the workouts.  If your doing CrossFit to be healthy, it might benefit you to modify the lifts, the gymnastic movements, or the weight in order to live out a healthy pain free life and minimize the risk that comes with certain movements.  This is where goals will play a huge role in determining the plan of action one should take to reach their goals. (Let me say that CrossFit is not dangerous when using excellent technique and can be a sustained activity for the rest of your life.)

This does not only apply to athletes, but also to the general population.  If your goal, as a grandmother, is to be able to get up and down from the floor to play with your grandchild, bend over to pick up your grandchild without hurting yourself, then you need both the strength and mobility to do those things.  Knowing that those are your goals, it will help guide a plan of action that is specific to each circumstance.  Goals are very important in every aspect of our lives.  We tend to have financial goals, traveling goals, goals for our significant others and or kids, but often leave out health goals.  If you do not know where your going, how can you get there?  Health goals are just as important as any other aspect of your life.

We are here not to tell you what you can't do, but to provide you with tools and show you what you can do. 


1595 Grand Avenue Ste 200
Billings, MT 59102

(406) 652-5140


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